Friday, October 25, 2013


The Pharisees came and began to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said,“Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.” And he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side. (Mark 8:11-13, ESV)

It's a short passage today, but there is no shortage of what can be learned from it.

Again the Pharisees try to challenge Jesus at His own game. They want to see hard evidence that Christ is Lord. The outcome of the challenge, however, is not even that Jesus wins by owning the Pharisees, He owns them by playing the "just say no" card.

They want a sign, Jesus says no. Done.

Then He ups and leaves to the other side.

Why does Jesus say no, though?

This is the second occasion I've read that Jesus sighed, the first being in Mark 7:34. Most interpretations say that His sigh is more like an inward groan, because Christ is saddened by the fallen nature of the world. And it's very easy to see that here. Jesus doesn't just say no for no reason. He refuses to give "this generation" a sign because they don't have the open heart for it. They have a sinful heart, rooted in pride and even insecurity. They don't believe that Christ is Lord. All it takes for someone to know that is an open heart.

There's this common "phrase" that illustrates the idea that the human will often say, "I won't believe in God until I see Him," to which God replies, "You won't see me until you believe in me."

I sort of get where this is coming from, and to a degree, it is kind of true. But the REAL truth of the matter is that God doesn't NEED to reveal Himself to us, because He doesn't need to prove Himself to us.

Perhaps Christ denies their sign because He doesn't seek the approval of the Pharisees. He doesn't need it, nor does He want it. He doesn't desire approval or acceptance from us at all. It's not like God cries in the corner and complains about His insecurities when we don't approve or accept Him. No, this is God we're talking about.

This is why I can't buy the whole "do you accept Jesus into your heart?" thing. Jesus doesn't need our acceptance. Jesus is fully satisfied in Himself with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. He doesn't need our approval at all.

Elsewhere in the Bible, it will describe certain generations as twisted and crooked. We still live in that kind of generation. We still live in a twisted and crooked world. It's no wonder that people still want signs of God before they believe Him.

If anything, we should be the ones concerned about God's approval of us, or His acceptance of us. Because if He doesn't, then we're royally screwed.

But the truth is that there is not only approval and acceptance for the Christian, but there is love, grace, freedom, and life for the Christian. Even when we "disapprove" of God, He approves and accepts us as we are. He's not in love with a perfect, future version of ourselves, He loves and accepts us as we are NOW, all because of Christ has done for us.

We often forget about God's God-ness, and His sovereignty over everything, but I pray that we don't anymore. I pray that we would remember that He doesn't desire our acceptance and approval. He just desires us to be with Him. He doesn't desire our stamps, He desires a relationship. 

So don't bother approving God, instead, open your heart to receive His approval and acceptance instead.


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